Happy Administrative Assistant Day! Our office staff are amazing!
Kindergarten Roundup is coming! MCSD will be hosting pre-registration and meet and greet sessions at all three kindergarten sites May 3rd-6th.
Please visit your community's elementary website for details!
We are hiring! Please visit our website for a complete job listing and application links! https://www.morrow.k12.or.us/page/employment
Music Teacher - Windy River Elementary
K-12 Grade Music/Band Teacher - Heppner Schools
Innovative STEM Lab Teacher - Morrow County School District
Life Skills Special Education Teacher - Morrow County School District
1st Grade Teacher - Sam Boardman Elementary School
2nd Grade Teacher - Sam Boardman Elementary School
Computer Technology Teacher - Irrigon Jr/Sr High School
ELD Teacher - Irrigon Jr/Sr High School
JH Language Arts Teacher - Irrigon Jr/Sr High School
Effective 3/19/21 MCSD will no longer be doing meal delivery. Children that are doing online learning are still able to pick up meals at each school building each school day from 8 am to 12 pm.
Pictures are in. If your student doesn't attend hybrid learning please stop by the school between 7am and 3:30pm to pick up your students pictures. We will have retakes on March 10th.
Las fotos ya estan aqui. Si su estudiante no atiende clases en la escuela por favor venga a recojer las fotos de 7am a 3:30pm. El 10 de marzo tendremos retoma de fotos.
Seniors – attached is the link for the Carl Troedson Scholarship. This scholarship is available only to Morrow County graduates, and numerous awards are made. Every senior should apply!
*The deadline is April 1. Here’s the application - https://www.csascholars.org/troedson/
OABE is pleased to partner with MCSD to inform Spanish speaking families about these parent meeting opportunities. We believe these opportunities will add value to our Spanish speaking parent groups by providing additional support to their needs. As well as building collective efficacy amongst the group.
The next scheduled parent meeting will be on February 26th from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Professor Martin Davila. He is originally from Zacatecas Mexico and he is here as an exchange teacher. Currently he is working as a 4th grade DLI teacher in Canby Oregon.
The theme will be, “Padres Activos en la Educación de sus hijos" Parents Actively Involved in their Children 's Education.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact:
Vicky Aguilar at vicky@oabe.org
Antonio Ramos, antonio@oabe.org
David Jaimes, Dje291980@gmail.com
Araceli Farias, farias@gresham.k12.or.us
Join Zoom Meeting
Want to recognize an amazing staff member at your school? Nominate them for a 2021 Crystal Apple Award at: https://forms.imesd.k12.or.us/crystal_apple_nomination_form. Nomination Deadline is April 2, 2021. Those eligible to win a Crystal Apple are principals, assistant principals, teachers, paraeducators, office staff, maintenance staff and other district staff. Anyone can nominate.
For more information, visit the Crystal Apple page on the IMESD website at: https://www.imesd.k12.or.us/page/crystal-apple-awards
Thank you to Tillamook who has donated $15,000 to Riverside Jr/Sr High School. These funds will be used to purchase 3 more Pixellot Cameras to broadcast activities and events at Riverside. These additional cameras will be installed at the tennis court, baseball field and softball field. Riverside already has two of these cameras, one in the gym and one at Don Hendrix Memorial Field. The addition of the three cameras will allow people to tune in and watch all activities. As we begin athletic seasons soon, these cameras will be more important than ever as spectators will not be allowed at events. Thank you to Tillamook for making it possible for the families and friends of our students to view their activities. To view these activities please go to our NFHS school website:
Gracias a Tillamook que ha donado $ 15,000 a Riverside Jr / Sr High School. Estos fondos se utilizarán para comprar 3 cámaras Pixellot más para transmitir actividades y eventos en Riverside. Estas cámaras adicionales se instalarán en la cancha de tenis, campo de béisbol y campo de softbol. Riverside ya tiene dos de estas cámaras, una en el gimnasio y otra en Don Hendrix Memorial Field. La adición de las tres cámaras permitirá a las personas sintonizar y ver todas las actividades. A medida que comenzamos las temporadas atléticas pronto, estas cámaras serán más importantes que nunca ya que no se permitirán espectadores en los eventos. Gracias a Tillamook por hacer posible que las familias y amigos de nuestros estudiantes vean sus actividades. Para ver estas actividades, visite nuestro sitio web de la escuela NFHS:
Mid Columbia Bus is hiring bus drivers! This is a critical need for our district!
Mid Columbia Busing is hiring!
This is a critical need in our county to support getting as many students as possible to school.
Thank you to all our counseling support and the wonderful work they do each day with our students!
MCSD is hiring Title 1 teachers for the 2021-22 school year!
Thank you to our school board for their dedication and support of our schools!
Beginning today meals in Boardman will be delivered at these locations and times:
Boardman Meal Stops Starting 1/11/2021:
12:00-12:05 - Boardman Daycare (NELC)
12:15 -12:25 – Library
12:30-12:40 – Corner of Anderson and Dunes
12:45-12:55 – Wilson Trailer park
1:00-1-10 - Bella Vista
Morrow County School Board will hold a work session Monday, January 11th, 7:00pm via Zoom. The purpose of the work session is evaluation of the superintendent and review of the governor's most recent COVID-19 update.
If you are interested in attending please contact Cheryl Costello for the Zoom link and passcode at cheryl.costello@morrow.k12.or.us
Have a great break and we will see everyone on January 4th!
Operation Graduation Meeting
November 6th
wreath sales are due 11/9 to Ms. Ayala main office RHS
set up facebook page(invite classmates, and parents)
meeting code
Junta de Operation Graduation
6 de noviembre a las 6pm
Las ordenes de wreaths se tienen que entregar el 11/9 a la oficina con Ms. Ayala
Crear una pagina de facebook para inviter a padres y estudiantes
Recaudacion de fondos
El codigo de la junta
The Riverside Associated Student Body Leadership has decided to have Spirit Week the week of November 9-13. Remember Pirates that we do not have school on November 11th as it is Veterans Day.
El grupo de Liderazgo de Riverside ha decidido tener una Semana de Espíritu la semana del 9 al 13 de noviembre. Recuerde Piratas que no tenemos escuela el 11 de noviembre ya que es el Día de los Veteranos.
All high schools remain open to students for meals and instructional support while the Internet is being fixed!